15 Memorial Gifts for Loss of Parents that Soothe The Pain


Last updated: Jun 20, 2022

Gossby Experts

15 Memorial Gifts for Loss of Parents that Soothe The Pain

The loss of parents is a devastating event for every child. While you can share man-to-man condolence, presenting memorial gifts for loss of parents is another way of expressing your sympathy.

Reeling from the loss is hard for most of us. So how to show your empathy and share?

We're here to help.

In this article, you'll be given touching ideas about loss of parents gifts if you are not sure where to begin.

What to Give Someone Who Lost Parents?

In spite of beautiful gestures from a grieving bundle of flowers, the list focusing on personalized memorial gifts for loss of parents will warm giftees’ hearts via personal touches.

Seeing someone pass away hurts us the most, thus, giving special and thoughtful items with individual quotes will emotive them. Besides, customized keepsakes are ideal to preserve memorable moments when the giftees were with their parents.

What to Give Someone Who Lost Parents

Time passes by, bringing all the beautiful memories go away but when looking at the personalized memorial gifts, they remind people of meaningful time whether it’s happy or not.

Parents are no longer in this world, doesn’t mean that they're not by your side. With the personalized loss of parents gifts, wonders and miracles appear to present them to giftees.

Not all of us can accept the fact that our parents are gone, their souls engraved in the treasure troves of gifts will be always with them.

05 Personalized Memorial Gifts for Loss of Parents

During the depth of sadness, people who lost both parents expect sharing and empathy from others. While you are looking for a sympathy gift, grieving children may request particular favors.

It can be wrapped in personalized gifts that you can provide positivity by attaching with their own marks through texts and images. There are numerous designs of sympathy gifts for loss of parents which you can customize at Gossby. Check out some heartwarming ideas below.

1. “We are Always with You” Personalized Memorial Mug

How heartbreaking to see your most-loved family members depart this life. Parents who were enjoying every piece of your grown-up become angels to stay by your side now.

Though a person is deep in sorrow when their parents pass away, this customized mug with a touching image of a full family being together will help them to go through the loss.

Memorial gifts for loss of both parents like this mug are highly appreciated during the darkness of a soul. Nobody can stay with us forever, but keeping them in mind with a heartfelt quote “We are always with you” is like they're really here.
memorial gifts for loss of parents - personalized mugs
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  • Our Customized Mugs Collection will give you various choices to choose from!

2. "Those We Love Don't Go Away..." Personalized Poster

Those we love don’t go away they walk beside us every day” is a melted-heart saying to leave their parents in peace and stimulate them as well. Featuring three people as a warm family with wings for parents, the giftee would feel that they are still beside and protect him/her till the end of this life.

This poster ranks at the top when it comes to memorial gifts for loss of parents. Hardest to say goodbye, however, the customized poster packing all the love of a child for their parents can improve their spirit.

memorial gift ideas for loss of parents - poster
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3. "I Believe There are Angels among Us" Personalized Wrapped Canvas

Crossing the rainbow bridge is doleful but if parents both know that their children always miss them, they won’t have anything to regret. When thinking of memorial gifts for loss of parents to share with someone, the customized canvas that you can edit to be appropriate will show your strong sympathy for them and help to ease the pain.

We come to the world in the shape of a human and when we leave, the angelic side is still alive to protect our loved ones. This is also what parents want to express after breathing their last.

loss of parents gifts - canvas print
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4. “I Miss You More Than Anything...” Personalized Fleece Blanket

A child may not know how much they love their parents until they are into eternal sleep. Since then, you can give this customized blanket as one of the most adorable personalized memorial gifts for loss of parents to those who recently lost their parents and are often in the space of missing them.

No other person in this world can spend love us more than our parents. Leaving them in the ground is so hurtful that a grieving person cannot stand but say “I miss you more than anything”.

memorial gifts for loss of both parents - fleece blanket
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5. "A Piece of My Heart Lives In Heaven" Personalized Mug

If someone’s parents have just left them back on Earth and gone to paradise, we cannot ask them to keep calm or feel the normal way. On the other hand, giving them the loss of parents gifts will be more supportive and thoughtful.

What can touch the hearts rather than having to say “A piece of my heart lives in heaven” with an image defining parents are always there? When the parents are most missed, it will be more comforting to see their angelic image on the useful mug.

sympathy gifts for loss of parents - customized coffee mugs
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Browse our category for more memorial gift ideas for loss of parents!

Personalized Gifts for Loss of Both Parents

10 Great Memorial Gifts for Loss of Parents (Other Ideas)

After reviewing several recommendations online, we have compiled a list of things to give someone who has just said goodbye to their parents in heaven.

If you're looking for sympathy gifts for loss of both parents to express your grief to somebody, take a glance at these mindful suggestions.

1. Yearn Memorial Wind Chime

The wind chime always brings an extra-special sense to feeling somebody’s smile. In most cases, this memorial gift for loss of parents reflects the voice of a turn-to-dust person, reminding them of the happy days when they were alive.

Yearn Memorial Wind Chime - memorial gifts for loss of parents
A Yearn Memorial Wind Chime (Source: Oleinthewind - Etsy)

2. “Healing After Loss” Book

Every wound needs to be healed from time to time and so does the pain from the loss of both parents. The giftee will get better if they have this book to release themselves and try to drive forward. We can’t do many things but giving the healing book as one of the best memorial gifts for loss of parents, perhaps, is ideal to soothe the sadness by practicing some mantras and meditation.

Healing After Loss Book - memorial gift ideas for loss of parents
The "Healing After Loss" Book (Source: Martha Whitmore Hickman - Amazon)

3. Sympathy Candle

The light of the candle urges people to brighten up the world. Long after they have gone, they still shed a light in the sky and always observe and lead their children.

In this life, we don’t look for regret and sorry, we just come up with joy and happiness.

Sympathy Candle - memorial gifts for loss of both parents
A Sympathy Candle (Source: The Gift Gala Shop - Etsy)

4. Jar of Sympathetic Notes

After finishing the funeral, a grieving child often struggles in the quiet aftermath. Some notes to share empathy and encouragement are important to uplift them. If you're looking for thoughtful memorial gift ideas for loss of parents, you shouldn't miss out on this one.

Jar of Sympathetic Notes is a memorial gift for loss of parents
A Jar of Sympathetic Notes (Source: Kind Notes Store - Amazon)

5. Essential Oil

Therapy after loss is crucial to provide momentary comfort. Many studies have shown that aromatherapy is great for those who are in pain whether it’s physical or mental. Among thousands of memorial gifts for loss of parents, this one will make them feel better after the loss.

Essential Oil is a memorial gift idea for loss of parents
Essential Oils (Source: Blooming Light VT - Etsy)

6. Angel Candle Holder

When someone flies to the sky ending their life in this world, they would become an angel to protect the close ones on Earth. A candle holder in the angel shape maintains a message that passed souls are still around.

Angel Candle Holder is a loss of parents gift
An Angel Candle Holder (Source: Gifts & Decors - Amazon)

7. Meal Delivery With Sympathy Cards

It’s impossible to have enough power or appetite to prepare food while surrounding the mourning. Then, you can order some enjoyable dishes with a card attached writing some condolence words. 

8. Photo Frame of The Whole Family

No doubt, this option is one of the most sentimental memorial gift ideas for loss of parents. As long as somebody is seeking the warmth of their parents after their demise, it could be found in the family photo. Although they’re no longer present to embrace their child, they’ll cheer their kids to head up with various things on the way.

Family Photo Frame is a memorial gift for loss of both parents
A Family Photo Frame (Source: For Keeps Design Gifts - Etsy)

9. Counseling Session

Bereavement puts many people in tearful melancholy, however, there are many sessions and courses to relieve someone’s spirit now. It’s a generous loss of parents gift to help your loved person overcome mournfulness.

10. Self-care Gift Box

Memorial gifts for loss of parents don’t include only items related to the giftee’s parents but also something to take care of their health. The demise of close people always shocks us that we forget to care for ourselves.

Showcase a set of self-care products to those who have suffered the loss of parents recently to remind them of self-love.

Self-care Gift Box is one of the best memorial gifts for loss of parents
A Self-care Gift Box (Source: Gratia Box Co - Etsy)

Also read:

Warm Your Loved Ones' Hearts with Memorial Gifts for Loss of Parents

In life, we will go through ups and downs as well as happiness and loss with each passing day. To somebody who has been under the blue of farewelling their parents, let’s share the condolence and sympathy with them via memorial gifts for loss of parents. Either it’s a common thing to show your concern or a personalized gift from Gossby will help to motivate them during the pain.

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