What is the Best Way to Store Canvas Prints & Other Artworks?


Last updated: Sep 17, 2021

Gossby Experts

What is the Best Way to Store Canvas Prints & Other Artworks?

Whethere they’re your artworks or you purchase them at stores, knowing how to store canvas prints properly is important.

Keeping your canvas prints shining for years requires special care as they can be more delicate than other print materials, especially when you think about how to store them.

However, no worries because you'll find yourself what you need to know to protect your artworks properly to keep them being with you much longer.

How Do You Store Canvas Prints & Other Artworks?

Ready for now?

Below, there are 05 tips for storing canvas prints that you can follow. Let's check and do it right after to protect your loved artworks.

1. Keep Them Away from Direct Sunlight

Canvases will last much longer if they are kept out of direct sunlight. The sun's rays can weaken the canvas, especially if it is primed, so keep them out of direct sunlight.

2. Store Them Upright

Even if your canvas prints have adequate stretcher bars, don’t lay them flat on a surface. Over time, the cloth will loosen and droop, and you will notice impressions of the stretcher bars in the canvas's fabric.

Storing them upright also reduces the possibility of dust and other particles settling on the surface. Vertically storing your canvases also helps to save valuable studio or storage space.

3. Make Sure You Keep Them in a Dry & Cool Place

Remember to keep canvas prints away from any elements that might damage them (be aware of moist places). Also, heat can be a problem for your canvases, regardless of whether they are primed or not, so make sure your storage place is dry and cool.

store canvas prints in Dry & Cool Place
Store Canvas Prints in Dry & Cool Places

4. Don’t Store Them on the Floor

Make sure you keep canvas prints off the floor! You never know when a spill, ant migration, or other unanticipated events may happen. At the very least, construct a hoist out of several 2x4 lengths of lumber to keep your canvases from hitting the floor.

A storage rack or storage system that keeps them away from any floor concerns is the best choice. Raised storage may also be beneficial in small studio spaces.

Do not  Store canvas  prints on the Floor
Don't Store Canvas Prints on the Floor

5. Protect Them with a Light Cloth

When storing your canvas prints, cover them with a light fabric, such as an old sheet. This will help maintain them free of dust, cobwebs, and other items that accumulate and settle in a place over time, including closets.

Pro Tips for Storing Canvas Prints

Number 1: Using Mirror Boxes for Large Canvas Prints & Other Artworks

Once completely storing canvas prints with the advice above, you can pack them in mirror boxes. By using that boxes, it’s pretty sure that nothing can harm your canvases, even sunlight, dust, moisture, or any other types of risk.

How to do

  1. Using packing tape, secure the top and bottom of the mirror box.

  2. Cover the bottom with crumpled packing paper.

  3. Wrap a paper pad around your print or painting.

  4. Insert it into the bottom (slightly smaller) box.

  5. Fill the top (bigger) box with crumpled packing paper.

  6. Place the top on top of the bottom.

  7. Use packing tape to secure the package.

  8. Feel good about yourself and your packing abilities.

Number 2: Using Crate for Large Canvas Prints & Other Artworks

Besides mirror boxes, you can consider using wooden crates. The crate is tough thus, providing excellent protection to your canvases again everything.

How to do

  1. Measure the height, breadth, and length of your artwork.

  2. Purchase enough materials to build a crate that is roughly 10% larger than your artwork.

  3. Make the crate, but leave the top off till the end.

  4. On the interior, line the container with cardboard.

  5. Insert crumpled packing paper. (Don't be cheap! Use just enough to provide a robust layer of defense.)

  6. Insert your artwork into the crate.

  7. Put additional crumpled paper inside to properly protect it.

  8. Install the crate's top and secure it with nails or screws. (We propose screws to make opening the container simpler in the future.)

Source: Storage Solution

How to Store Canvas Prints - FAQs

Question 1: How to store Gossby’s Canvas Prints?

Answer: At Gossby, you’re provided a wide range collection of the personalized canvas (wrapped canvas without frame). The detailed answer can be found in the second question. Please check!

how to store Gossby canvas prints
Our "Mother & Children Forever Linked Together" canvas
Shop with Gossby

Question 2: How to store Unframed Canvas Prints?

Answer: Wrapping an unframed canvas or another artwork in glassine, an air & water-resistant substance, and firmly placing it in between two sheets (slightly larger than the artwork) of another durable material like foam or cardboard is the ideal way to transport it.

Question 3: Should I Check My Canvases Regularly?

Answer: Yes. It’s important to check the storage facility regularly to check on your canvases. This can help you in identifying potential dangers in time and preventing irreversible damage to your efforts.

Question 4: What is the most Ideal Temperature to Store Canvases?

Answer: As mentioned, you must keep your canvases or other artworks in a cool place. The ideal temperature is about 70-degree Fahrenheit (suggested by experts).

More to discover:

Final Thought!

With a good preventative measure & proper stage, you can keep your canvases or other artwork lasting a lifetime. Hope this article will have your back.

If you're looking for canvas ideas to fill up the blank wall or to give to someone you love, feel free to browse our personalized canvas collection. Customizable options are available so, you can fully select what will be printed on a canvas print (both designs & quotes) to make it a one-of-a-kind digital artwork.

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